Senator Cornyn

Cornyn: Biden Can’t Sit on the Sidelines of Debt Debate

January 24, 2023

The United States narrowly avoided hitting the debt ceiling over a year ago, but now we're staring down the barrel of another debt crisis.

Instead of doling out marching orders, the President needs to do his job, listen to what is being proposed, and negotiate a solution.

There are a wide range of ideas from our colleagues that would help the federal government get its financial house in order, and I would hope that the President would take these ideas and his responsibility seriously.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) urged President Biden to work with Congress to avoid a catastrophic default on the federal debt, discussed the need for Congress to get its fiscal house in order, and expressed his support for passing a balanced budget amendment as Texas has done. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“The United States narrowly avoided hitting the debt ceiling over a year ago, but now we’re staring down the barrel of another debt crisis.”

“Despite the fact that we are hurtling toward this disaster, the White House seems completely disinterested in finding a solution.”

“The more money the federal government continues to spend, it is like throwing gasoline on inflation, and consumers have already experienced some of the highest prices in 40 years on everything from gasoline, to food, to housing, and to the essentials of life.”

“In order to avoid a catastrophe, a bill not only has to pass the House, it needs to get 60 votes in the Senate and the President’s signature.”

“Instead of doling out marching orders, the President needs to do his job, listen to what is being proposed, and negotiate a solution.” 

“As part of this, we have to look at what got us in this condition in the first place.”

“We need to get out-of-control spending habits in check. No household, no city council, no county government, no state government could possibly do what the federal government is doing.”

“I’m not suggesting it’s going to be easy because it’s not. But it’s not optional. One of the most important things we can do as part of this response is to return to regular appropriations processes and funding the government each year.”

“The Democratic-led Senate did not pass a single appropriations bill.”

“Congress cannot continue to operate like this.”

“My state of Texas has a balanced budget requirement, and lo and behold, it just started the current legislative session with a $33 billion surplus.”

“I’ve introduced, cosponsored, and voted for balanced budget amendments in the past, and I plan on doing so again this year.”

“There are a wide range of ideas from our colleagues that would help the federal government get its financial house in order, and I would hope that the President would take these ideas and his responsibility seriously.”