Senator Cornyn

Cornyn Joins Effort to Pass House’s Israel Aid Bill in Senate

December 7, 2023

Why in the world would the Majority Leader, who I know supports Israel, refuse to bring a bill to the floor?

Five weeks after the House has passed an Israel aid bill… we are coming to the floor offering to take up and pass the Israel aid, and we're going to get an objection from the Democratic side.

There are a lot of people who say the right words, but when it comes to actions, they're missing in action.

WASHINGTON – Yesterday on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) participated in Sen. Roger Marshall’s (R-KS) effort to pass the $14.3 billion Israel aid package cleared by the House last month in light of Leader Schumer’s refusal to bring it to the Senate floor for a vote. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Why in the world would the Majority Leader, who I know supports Israel, refuse to bring a bill to the floor to provide that aid almost five weeks since the House passed an appropriation bill to do exactly that?”

“He wants to use the support for the Israel aid to build the vote for the larger bill, understanding that while support for Israel is virtually universal among both parties and in both houses, there are some divisions on the Ukraine aid or the terms under which that aid is provided.”

“It’s mysterious to me why all this time – two months after Israel was attacked by Hamas, five weeks after the House has passed an Israel aid bill – that finally, here we are coming to the floor offering to take up and pass the Israel aid, and we’re going to get an objection from the Democratic side.”

“There are a lot of people who say the right words, but when it comes to actions, they’re missing in action.”