Senator Cornyn

Cornyn: No National Security Supplemental Without Border Policy Changes

December 4, 2023

The supplemental’s supposed to be all about national security, but it fails to deliver anything on one of the most urgent national security priorities, and that is the crisis at the southern border.

In all the time I've been working on this issue, I've never seen anything like the current situation.

If Senator Schumer as the Majority Leader puts a bill on the floor that fails to address the crisis at the border with real, substantive policy reforms, we will not proceed.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the urgent security threats created by the Biden Border Crisis and underpinned Republicans’ refusal to move forward with any national security supplemental funding bill that does not include substantive border policy changes. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“The Majority Leader has said he plans to schedule a vote on President Biden’s $106 billion request as soon as this week. He knows as well as I do that, as written, this proposal stands zero chance of becoming law.”

“The supplemental’s supposed to be all about national security, but it fails to deliver anything on one of the most urgent national security priorities, and that is the crisis at the southern border.”

“In all the time I’ve been working on this issue, I’ve never seen anything like the current situation.”

“President Biden, during his time in office, has shattered every record on the books when it comes to illegal border crossings.” 

“The border crisis isn’t the result of scarce resources but of an intentional refusal by the Biden administration to actually enforce the law.”

“If Senator Schumer as the Majority Leader puts a bill on the floor that fails to address the crisis at the border with real, substantive policy reforms, we will not proceed to that bill.”

“Our security cannot come second to that of other countries around the world, our allies, even those like Ukraine and Israel.”