Senator Cornyn

Cornyn on Biden Admin’s Continued Appeasement of Iran

February 1, 2024

Since mid-October, Iranian-backed militia groups have attacked U.S. troops in the region more than 165 times.

The Biden administration has projected an image of weakness when it comes to foreign policy.

Appeasement is not a viable strategy when it comes to autocrats, dictators, and terrorists.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Biden administration’s foreign policy failures that have emboldened Iran and its proxies and allowed Iran to continue its decades-long series of attacks on Americans abroad. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Since mid-October, Iranian-backed militia groups have attacked U.S. troops in the region more than 165 times.”

“This last weekend, the situation escalated dramatically when Iranian proxies targeted a U.S. military post in Jordan known as Tower 22. Tragically, these proxies of the Iranian regime, these militias, used a drone to attack the base, killing three American heroes as they slept.”

“President Biden can’t continue promoting the same weak policies.”

“From the disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan… to the attempts to appease Iran in order to get back to the Iran nuclear deal, to the foolish decision to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets, the Biden administration has projected an image of weakness when it comes to foreign policy.” 

“Iran has demonstrated over and over and over again its unequivocal hatred of the United States.”

“Appeasement is not a viable strategy when it comes to autocrats, dictators, and terrorists.”

Video of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks can be found here.