Senator Cornyn

Cornyn on the Biden Admin Releasing Migrants onto U.S. Streets

September 19, 2023

Because the Border Patrol can’t keep up with the influx of people, they simply are now releasing them.

We're here, ready to meet [President Biden] halfway, but all we hear is crickets.

It's past the time to adopt policies and impose consequences.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed reports that the Biden administration is releasing migrants onto streets across the U.S., the devastating impact of President Biden’s failed border policies on Texas, and his support for the Secure the Border Act. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“The border crisis isn’t getting any better. If anything, it’s getting worse, and communities in Texas and across the nation are beginning to feel the strain.”

“Because the Border Patrol can’t keep up with the influx of people, they simply are now releasing them.”

“Instead of returning them across the border, they’re releasing them into U.S. streets every day, and it’s unclear really who these individuals are or how they’re being released.”

“We don’t have answers to these questions because the Biden administration has not been candid about exactly what’s happening. They basically hope nobody’s noticing what’s going on, but we’re noticing.”

“[President Biden] apparently has no desire to enforce the law and secure the border. The reason I conclude that is because if he did care, if he was willing to work with us to solve that problem, we’re here, ready to meet him halfway, but all we hear is crickets.”

“I’m proud to cosponsor the Secure the Border Act, which was introduced by my friend and fellow Texan, Senator Cruz. This legislation would give the Border Patrol the tools they need in order to secure the border and safeguard the American people.”

“It’s been cosponsored by more than half of the Republican Conference in the Senate. My hope is that this would serve as a starting point for the Senate to begin discussing ways to secure the border and protect the American people.”

“It’s past the time to adopt policies and impose consequences.”