Senator Cornyn

Cornyn Reacts to Last Night’s State of the Union

March 2, 2022

It was not a great speech, and I think, unfortunately, it was a rehash of a lot of his failed domestic policies.

He realizes this is going to be a disastrous midterm election, and he just doesn't know how to turn the ship around.

WASHINGTON – Today on the Hugh Hewitt Show, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed last night’s State of the Union Address:

“It was not a great speech, and I think, unfortunately, it was a rehash of a lot of his failed domestic policies. But I am happy that now he’s declared COVID-19 cured and that he personally has rallied the world to help the Ukrainians in their battle for sovereignty and freedom.”

“The one thing I give him credit for is rallying the American public behind our efforts to help the Ukrainians, but the truth is, Europe, and particularly our NATO partners, are the ones that are taking the lead on that.”

“We’re helping, but, unfortunately, I think there’s more we could do, and we need to do it faster, providing them the lethal defensive weapons they need to defend their country. We need to continue to shore up our NATO partners. But I thought the rest of it was a rehash of his failed policies.”

“He really didn’t offer any solutions. I’m afraid that, you know, he realizes this is going to be a disastrous midterm election, and he just doesn’t know how to turn the ship around.”