Senator Cornyn

Cornyn: Schumer Decries ‘Rhetoric’ But Pushes Toothless, Partisan Resolution

April 17, 2023

Rather than bringing up legislation to address the debt ceiling or the border crisis or any one of a number of other problems facing American families, Senator Schumer has announced that this week we will vote on a partisan resolution.

The Majority Leader tried to frame this resolution as a way to defend the rule of law, but it's a nonbinding resolution. It fails to do anything other than send a political message.

We could take real action to support our law enforcement officers and defend the rule of law. But he refuses to bring that sort of bill to the floor.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) called out the Majority Leader’s hypocrisy in decrying a 2020 resolution opposing the defund-the-police movement as “rhetoric” but now pushing a similar nonbinding resolution in the Senate this week. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Rather than bringing up legislation to address the debt ceiling or the border crisis or any one of a number of other problems facing American families, Senator Schumer has announced that this week we will vote on a partisan resolution.”

“The Majority Leader tried to frame this resolution as a way to defend the rule of law, but it’s a nonbinding resolution. It fails to do anything other than send a political message.”

“The Majority Leader has been a fierce critic of similar resolutions in the past. During the summer of 2020, our colleague from Arkansas, Senator Cotton, offered a straightforward resolution to clarify that the Senate called for justice for George Floyd and opposed efforts to defund the police, both simple and straightforward points of, I would think, nearly unanimous agreement.”

“Unfortunately, the resolution didn’t pass because it was – guess what – blocked by Senator Schumer. At the time he said, ‘The resolution by my friend will do nothing, nothing. It’s rhetoric.’”

“Well, that was Senator Schumer less than three years ago when he blocked a nonbinding resolution that denounced efforts to defund the police.”

“Now that he has the power to set the schedule in the Senate, Senator Schumer could bring any bill to the floor that he wanted.”

“We could take real action to support our law enforcement officers and defend the rule of law. But he refuses to bring that sort of bill to the floor.”

“The American people sent us here to work on their behalf, and it’s high time the Majority Leader decide to take that responsibility seriously and bring important legislation that will solve real problems to the floor of the United States Senate.”