Senator Cornyn

Cornyn Slams Biden Admin’s Executive Order on Immigration

June 4, 2024

It is a shell game. They are not serious about it.

This is a conversion based on the proximity of the next election and sinking poll numbers.

This executive order is just political cover, and the American people aren't going to be fooled.

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) led a press conference with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and a group of their Senate Republican colleagues to discuss the executive order on immigration President Biden is expected to announce later today and the consequences of his administration’s failure to secure the border. Excerpts are below, and video of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks can be found here.

“My question to [President Biden] is, why did you wait until now if you were serious about doing it? The simple answer is he’s not serious about securing the border.”

“The simple fact of the matter is that the same laws that were in effect back when President Trump was in office are still in effect, but the difference is the unwillingness of this White House and this administration simply to enforce the law.”

“It is a shell game. They are not serious about it.”

“This is a conversion based on the proximity of the next election and sinking poll numbers.”

“This executive order is just political cover, and the American people aren’t going to be fooled.”