Senator Cornyn

Cornyn Slams Biden on Trafficking of Unaccompanied Minors, Fentanyl Deaths

July 20, 2023

What's it going to take to get the attention of the Biden administration to finally do something about the Biden border crisis?

How many more people need to die?

How many more children need to be lost before the Biden administration finally agrees to work with us?

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) hosted a press conference with a group of his Senate Republican colleagues on the Biden administration’s self-inflicted border crisis and criticized President Biden’s refusal to address credible reports of migrant child labor trafficking and the flow of deadly drugs being smuggled across the border. Excerpts are below, video of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks can be found here, and the entire press conference can be watched here.

“300,000 children had been placed with sponsors in the United States… in 85,000 of those placements, the 30-day wellness call that is typically made by the administration went unanswered.” 

“What’s happening to them – whether they’re going to school, whether they’re getting health care, whether they’re being recruited for gangs, whether they’re being trafficked for sex, or just simply neglected or abused – the Biden administration doesn’t know, and the truth is, they don’t care.”

“I’ve wondered as a border state Senator, what’s it going to take to get the attention of the Biden administration to finally do something about the Biden border crisis?”

“How about 108,000 dead Americans – dead because they consumed some of the drugs that are smuggled across the southwestern border, including 71,000 from fentanyl.”

“How many more people need to die?”

“How many more children need to be lost before the Biden administration finally agrees to work with us on a bipartisan basis to address this problem?”