Senator Cornyn

Cornyn: Spending Cuts Top September To-Do List

September 5, 2023

Several months ago, Speaker McCarthy and President Biden reached a deal that raised the debt ceiling in exchange for deeply-needed spending cuts.

House members are knee-deep in discussions over the best way to pursue those spending cuts… but still, that hasn't stopped the Majority Leader from criticizing them.

‘I hope that Speaker McCarthy and other Republican colleagues in the House will succeed in their efforts.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the Senate’s lengthy September to-do list, including funding the government, and backed House Republicans’ efforts to curb Democrats’ out-of-control spending. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Several months ago, Speaker McCarthy and President Biden reached a deal that raised the debt ceiling in exchange for deeply-needed spending cuts.” 

“House members are knee-deep in discussions over the best way to pursue those spending cuts… but still, that hasn’t stopped the Majority Leader from criticizing them.”

“Just last week he referred to the Republicans in the House – their spending cut discussions – as political games. Well, if this isn’t a game, I don’t know what is: planning for the failure of the appropriations process and trying to jam through a spending bill with 16 legislative days left.”

“I suggest the Majority Leader look in the mirror for the identity of the person who has brought us to this point, the one who has been playing the games.”

“The American people elected a Republican majority in the House, which has pledged to rein in reckless federal spending.”

“I hope that Speaker McCarthy and other Republican colleagues in the House will succeed in their efforts.”

“In the next few weeks we need to pass government funding, the Farm Bill, FAA reauthorization, and a final version of the NDAA.”

“I’m disappointed that we’re now rushing to complete an impossible task of completing all these bills before September the 30th. It’s impossible, it’s not going to happen, and as I said, it didn’t have to be this way.”