Senator Cornyn

Cornyn to Biden: Where Is Your So-Called ‘Plan’ for Border Security?

February 16, 2023

In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden urged members of Congress, 'If you won't pass my comprehensive immigration reform bill, at least pass my plan to provide the equipment and officers to secure the border.'

Well, I was wondering what plan the President was referring to. None of us have seen it.

If the President's views have changed and now he's serious about dealing with this crisis, he will find a lot of allies here in Congress.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed Democrats’ hypocritical response to the border crisis and called on President Biden to release the border security plan he referred to during his State of the Union address. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Since President Biden took office, the pace of illegal border crossings has made this already-tough job of caring for migrants increasingly more challenging just by the sheer volume of humanity coming across the border, so, law enforcement, nonprofits, folks in my state who live and work on the border have begged the Biden administration to take action. It’s not even fair to say that they were met with a shrug. Rather, they were just ignored.”

“But once that problem begins to show up on the doorstep of the Vice President, or Mayor Bowser, or Mayor Adams, or the Mayor of Chicago, you’d think the roof was falling in.”

“New York City has vast resources and a long list of folks willing to help, and still it was struggling to care for the migrants arriving on its doorstep. Meanwhile, communities across Texas, small in comparison to New York, were absorbing thousands of migrants in a single day with only a fraction of the resources.”

“Mayor Adams started doing what the Republican Governor of Texas and the Democratic Mayor of El Paso had already done. He offered these migrants free transportation elsewhere.”

“When migrants receive free bus tickets from conservative states like Texas, it’s framed as a human rights abuse, but when it happens in Manhattan, it’s viewed as an act of charity or kindness. The hypocrisy is simply breathtaking.”

“It’s unfair to expect any city, any state, to carry the burden of this crisis because it is the federal government’s responsibility.”

“In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden urged members of Congress, ‘If you won’t pass my comprehensive immigration reform bill, at least pass my plan to provide the equipment and officers to secure the border.’”

“Well, I was wondering what plan the President was referring to. None of us have seen it.”

“He hasn’t shown a serious interest in using the existing authorities to stop the flow of illegal immigration, but if the President’s views have changed and now he’s serious about dealing with this crisis, he will find a lot of allies here in Congress.”