Senator Cornyn

During Roundtable with Vietnamese Activists, Cornyn Condemns Chinese Encroachment in South China Sea

September 23, 2020

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) recently joined a virtual roundtable of Vietnamese activists on the geopolitical state of play in the South China Sea, where he condemned China’s repeated aggressive encroachment in the region and thanked participants for their leadership on the issue. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video of the roundtable can be found here.

“It’s now more important than ever that the people stand up to Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and draw a line in the sand against this illegal encroachment.”

“Your leadership on this issue continues to inspire, and I promise to continue fighting China’s attempts to assert its illegitimate claims over the South China Sea.”

“It is crucial to the security and prosperity of the international community the South China Sea remains free from Chinese coercion.”