Senator Cornyn

Senate Should Stay in Session to Pass Real Covid Relief, Not Tax Breaks for Rich and Marijuana Subsidies

August 4, 2020

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the need for the Senate to remain in session to pass a commonsense alternative to the House’s liberal wish list, the HEROES Act. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“The HEROES Act, passed by the House, includes a long list of liberal priorities. Things like environmental justice grants— what in the heck does that have to do with COVID-19? Soil health studies, and not one but two subsidies for diversity of inclusion in the cannabis industry. Hardly anything to do with COVID-19.”

“What’s more, our colleagues across the aisle, who have railed about tax cuts for the rich— well, they want to allow millionaires and billionaires in blue states to pay less in taxes. They want a tax cut for the millionaires and billionaires in their states.”

“These unwanted, unaffordable, and frankly laughable proposals are not the types of solutions America needs to recover from this crisis.”

“The stakes are high, and I believe the Senate must stay in session until we’re able to deliver the relief that our country needs.”