Senator Cornyn

VIDEO: Ahead of Biden Border Trip, Cornyn Highlights Executive Action Hypocrisy

February 28, 2024

The same laws that were in effect during President Trump's administration are still in effect during President Biden's administration, with far different outcomes.

President Biden has no right… to claim that his hands are tied when it comes to addressing the border crisis by executive action.

He can fix it, just like he broke it.

Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) called out President Biden for refusing to accept responsibility for the border crisis, which is a direct result of executive actions he has taken to loosen immigration policy, ahead of his visit to Brownsville, Texas this week. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Tomorrow, President Biden will do something he’s done only once before in his term as President of the United States: He’ll travel to the U.S.-Mexico border, to Brownsville, Texas, in an attempt to address his biggest political liability.”

“As usual, the President refuses to accept any responsibility.”

“The same laws that were in effect during President Trump’s administration are still in effect during President Biden’s administration, with far different outcomes.”

“Given everything we’ve witnessed over the last three years, President Biden has no right – no right – to claim that his hands are tied when it comes to addressing the border crisis by executive action. From day one, President Biden made clear that he was willing to use executive action.”

“He’s used executive action to remove border wall construction, the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy; halt deportations, excluding broad classes of migrants from removal; parole more than 1.6 million migrants in the United States; and so much more. So this is a crisis of President Biden’s making.”

“He can fix it, just like he broke it.”

“News reports are that President Biden could announce new executive actions on his trip to the border tomorrow. I’m eager to see whether he will reverse course and issue an executive order that will actually tighten the border, will actually do his duty of securing the border, or whether these are measures more designed to loosen immigration policy.”