Senator Cornyn

VIDEO: Cornyn Joins Fox News Sunday on Demand for Border Policy Changes, FISA Reform, Biden Impeachment Inquiry

December 18, 2023

Senator Schumer thinks there is going to be a deal cut behind closed doors and jam it through the Senate and then jam the House – that's not going to happen.

This is not just about money, this is about policies that will actually stem the flow of mass migration across the border along with the drugs and everything that goes with it.

All we are asking for the President to do is to actually enforce the law.

AUSTIN – Today on Fox News Sunday, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) joined Shannon Bream to discuss Republicans’ push to include border policy changes in the national security supplemental funding bill, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 reform, and House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

On Republicans’ Push for Border Policy Changes:

“Senator Schumer thinks there is going to be a deal cut behind closed doors and jam it through the Senate and then jam the House – that’s not going to happen.”

“This is not just about money, this is about policies that will actually stem the flow of mass migration across the border along with the drugs and everything that goes with it.”

“All we are asking for the President to do is to actually enforce the law, and now that we have the purse strings of Congress that Congress controls, we are hoping to use that as leverage to change those policies.”

“Right now, the only people benefitting from the status quo are the human smugglers, the criminal organizations that are getting richer by the day, along with the drug cartels.”

On FISA Reform:

“I agree with Senator Lee that there have been abuses, and I’m certainly willing to enact correct reforms that will make those much less likely.”

“But we cannot intentionally blind ourselves to the threats from foreign adversaries.”

“I hope we will fix it and not nix it, and I expect that will happen in the coming months.”

On the Biden Impeachment Inquiry:

“Democrats have introduced impeachment into our politics by trying to impeach the former President, President Trump, two different times unsuccessfully. The basic reason why I support the inquiry is because this investigation needs to continue.” 

“The investigation is revealing new and very serious evidence along the way.”

“I think it’s a little premature for our Democratic friends to be declaring victory while the investigation is ongoing.”