Senator Cornyn

VIDEO: Cornyn on Importance of Victory in Ukraine

February 27, 2023

One year ago, democracies around the world united in support of the Ukrainian people.

The United States and our allies must remain steadfast in our support of the Ukrainian people, not just for their sake but for our sake as well.

In doing so, we'll send a clear message to Russia and China… that aggression against a sovereign nation will not be ignored.

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“One year ago, democracies around the world united in support of the Ukrainian people.”

“The U.S. and our allies condemned President Putin’s unwarranted invasion and took decisive action to help the Ukrainians shape the outcome of this war: sanctions against Russia, military aid for Ukraine, humanitarian assistance for innocent people who are bearing the true cost of Russia’s brutality.”

“These contributions have been integral to Ukraine’s success so far, but they’ve not come without cost.”

“I’ve heard from my constituents back home in Texas who are deeply concerned about what these costs will mean here at home, and I understand exactly where they’re coming from.”

“Our own interests must always come first. The point that keeps getting lost in this war is that a Ukrainian victory is in our national interest.”

“America’s assistance is not a handout. It’s not a charity project. And as much as we want to see Ukraine prevail in this war, our financial support is not entirely altruistic. The United States isn’t just investing in Ukrainian victory, we’re also putting our resources toward the defeat of Russian aggression.”

“If the next chapter of Putin’s war includes the invasion of a NATO partner, the United States and our allies will no longer be on the sidelines. We will be part of the starting lineup.”

“The most effective way to keep American troops out of the line of fire is to help the Ukrainians stop Putin now, before his conquest moves even further west.”

“The United States and our allies must remain steadfast in our support of the Ukrainian people, not just for their sake but for our sake as well. Through strategic investments, with ample oversight and accountability – those are important – we’ll continue to shape the outcome of this war by giving the Ukrainian people everything they need in order to prevail.”

“In doing so, we’ll send a clear message to Russia and China and any other authoritarian dictator that aggression against a sovereign nation will not be ignored.”