Senator Cornyn

VIDEO: Cornyn Discusses Border Crisis and the Biden Administration on Sunday Morning Futures

March 14, 2021

It is a crisis. When a similar surge happened a few years ago, President Obama himself called it a ‘humanitarian crisis,’ and as I suggested, this is going to get nothing but worse as the spring comes.

Everything his Administration has done with the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate have been partisan so far – everything – whether it's these unilateral executive orders, some of which have been halted by litigation in the federal courts, or this $1.9 trillion reckless spending package, only about 10 percent of which has to do with COVID-19.

I predict that if they continue down this path there's going to be a huge political backlash, which will install a Republican majority both in the House of Representatives and in the United States Senate, and then Joe Biden will have to deal with that.

AUSTIN – Today on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the crisis at the U.S. border and the start of the Biden Administration. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s interview are below, and video can be found here.

On the Crisis at Our Border:

“The signals that Biden Administration is sending by eliminating the migrant protection program, or ‘Remain in Mexico’ program, that was negotiated with the Mexican government, as well as the failure to enforce the Title 42 public health order which basically gave the Border Patrol the ability to keep people out of the country… Basically they’re ignoring all of that and, I think, sending the signal that the border is open and anybody who wants to come to Texas or the United States is free to do so. I think this is the logical conclusion of that.”

“It is a crisis. When a similar surge happened a few years ago, President Obama himself called it a ‘humanitarian crisis,’ and as I suggested, this is going to get nothing but worse as the spring comes.”

On the First Months of the Biden Administration:

“Notwithstanding President Biden’s eloquent words on January the 20th when he talked about unifying the country and healing the divisions, everything his Administration has done with the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate have been partisan so far – everything – whether it’s these unilateral executive orders, some of which have been halted by litigation in the federal courts, or this $1.9 trillion reckless spending package, only about 10 percent of which has to do with COVID-19.”

“I predict that if they continue down this path there’s going to be a huge political backlash, which will install a Republican majority both in the House of Representatives and in the United States Senate, and then Joe Biden will have to deal with that.”