Senator Cornyn

VIDEO: Cornyn: Rules Change Driven by Schumer’s Fear of AOC, Far Left

January 5, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today on Fox Business’ Kudlow, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) criticized Majority Leader Schumer’s attempt to eliminate the filibuster as a means to pass Senate Democrats’ partisan voting rights legislation and seize control of Texas elections. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“Well Senator Schumer, contrary to his previous position when Democrats were in the minority, said he wants to break the rules of the Senate.”

“He wants a short-term sugar high of being able to pass a bill strictly with Democratic votes.”

“Senator Schumer is apparently afraid of the foot beats behind him from the progressives, as is President Biden, and is trying to do things that frankly not even Democrats are willing to swallow.”

“In 2020, across the country we saw about 66% of registered voters cast their ballot. In Texas, we had 11.3 million voters, historic highs for minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, the like. There is simply no impediment to people casting their ballot.”