Senator Cornyn

Cornyn: VP, Democrat Leadership Skipping Netanyahu Speech ‘Disgraceful’

News I think it’s absolutely disgraceful that the most senior members of the Democratic Party have chosen to give the Heisman to one of our closest allies in the Middle East. It’s pandering to the most radical elements of the Democratic base. Eight of the current hostages are American citizens, and the Vice President can’t […]

VIDEO: Cornyn Slams Biden for Turning His Back on Israel

News Despite the escalation of violence and antisemitic rhetoric in recent weeks, President Biden has failed to demonstrate much-needed leadership. Every statement he’s made on this topic was paired with… some sort of expression of moral equivalency to what Israel is doing and what Hamas is doing. We know President Biden is in a campaign […]

Cornyn Discusses Protests on College Campuses, Applauds UT Austin Response

News There is a clear line between protesting and rioting and an even clearer line between free speech and violence. I’m glad the University of Texas at Austin made it clear that antisemitism has no place on its campus. The right to protest is fundamental to our democracy but… it does not grant anyone the […]

VIDEO: Cornyn Slams Biden’s Weakness on Iran After Attack on Israel

News On Saturday, President Biden quickly condemned Iran’s attack. Despite that… media reports indicate that President Biden’s support may not be as resolute as those words indicate. Given the President’s tepid response, Congress needs to take action soon to provide Israel with the military aid it needs to defend its sovereignty. WASHINGTON – Today on […]

Cornyn on Democrats Browbeating Israel: ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’

News Following Hamas’ brutal attack against Israel… Republicans and Democrats came together, along with the President of the United States, and declared our support for Israel. This once rock-solid support on a bipartisan basis has slowly eroded. We need to support our closest friend and ally in the region. It’s just that simple. WASHINGTON – […]

Cornyn on Schumer’s Israel Speech: ‘Deeply Disrespectful’

News The Majority Leader’s speech this morning was deeply disrespectful of our ally. To say… that Israel ought to stay its hand and allow Hamas, potentially, to reconstitute in Gaza is not only deeply disrespectful, it undermines the ability of the Israelis to do what they must do, which is destroy that threat. We need […]

Cornyn on Biden Admin’s Continued Appeasement of Iran

News Since mid-October, Iranian-backed militia groups have attacked U.S. troops in the region more than 165 times. The Biden administration has projected an image of weakness when it comes to foreign policy. Appeasement is not a viable strategy when it comes to autocrats, dictators, and terrorists. WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John […]

Cornyn: Hamas Sympathizers ‘Divorced from Reality’

News This past weekend, we saw the latest chapter in blaming the victim as thousands of protesters gathered in downtown Washington, D.C., to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. I find it deeply disturbing to see this view shared by so many because it’s completely divorced from reality. We have a duty to stand with our […]

Cornyn Discusses Delegation Visit to Israel

News I just returned from a trip to the Middle East with a bipartisan group of colleagues from the Senate Intelligence Committee. I hope in the coming weeks the Senate can finally make progress on the need for assistance for Israel. The clock is ticking, and the Senate needs to act soon to ensure Israel […]

Cornyn Joins Effort to Pass House’s Israel Aid Bill in Senate

News Why in the world would the Majority Leader, who I know supports Israel, refuse to bring a bill to the floor? Five weeks after the House has passed an Israel aid bill… we are coming to the floor offering to take up and pass the Israel aid, and we’re going to get an objection […]

Cornyn Blasts Schumer for Calling Israel Aid Bill a ‘Joke’

News Last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill to strengthen America’s support for Israel while cutting wasteful government spending. I’m disappointed that President Biden… threatened to veto the bill, and Senator Schumer went so far as to call it a joke. $14.3 billion for Israel while it’s under perhaps an existential threat by […]

PHOTO: Cornyn Meets with AIPAC, Texas Jewish Advocates

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) met today with leadership of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and members of the Texas Jewish community to discuss Hamas’ unprovoked attacks on Israel and America’s response. Sen. Cornyn cosponsored a bipartisan resolution in support of Israel that unanimously passed the Senate last week. You […]

Cornyn Applauds Senate Passage of Resolution Supporting Israel

News WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) released the following statement after the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution he cosponsored in support of Israel: “Since Hamas launched its unprovoked attacks on Israel, we have witnessed evil in its purest form,” said Sen. Cornyn. “I applaud the Senate’s swift action to support Israel’s right […]

Cornyn Calls Out Iran for Bankrolling Hamas

News For years now, Iran has provided Hamas with the money, the weapons, and the military training that it uses against Israel and other allies. The question now is: will Iran use this opportunity to escalate? I hope that Iran and Hezbollah recognize the high cost of expanding this conflict. WASHINGTON – Today on the […]